Wednesday, August 6, 2014

2014 Goodfellow Doll Summer Outfit Patterns

Hi, Below is a link to a PDF that contains the Patterns.  Please feel free to use them.  If you have any questions, just send me an email.  If you sew any of these patterns, I would love to see a picture. 
Thanks for viewing.

2014 Goodfellow Doll Sweater

 Here is a step by step tutorial on how to make this super easy sweater for your Goodfellow Doll project.

Use your pattern pieces to cut one back piece and two front pieces from polar fleece.

Using a narrow seam, sew the shoulder and under arm seams. 

 Turn inside out.

Ta Da! You're done.

Thanks for Viewing,


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

2014 Goodfellow Doll Shirt

Here is a step by step tutorial on how to make this cute little reversible shirt for your Goodfellow Doll project.

With your two coordinating fabrics placed right-sides together, use the shirt pattern piece to cut 2.  Pin as shown.  Note: I marked the corner to indicate where to begin stitching.

Using the edge of my sewing machine foot as my seam guide I stitched the pinned seam.

This is what the finished seam should look like.

Pin and sew the armhole seam.

Again, your finished seams should look like this.

Stitch and trim the seams using a zigzag stitch to decrease bulk.   When you are finished your seams should like this.

Turn the shirt inside out through the shoulder seams and press.  This is a little tricky, I have found using a crochet hook helps.

Press the hems up to help with final sewing after the sides are sewn together.

Press the other side.

And the back bottom hem.

Both sides.

Now we're going to sew the side seams together.  Open each side up, under the arm and put right sides of the fabric together. 

Pin and sew the seam.

This is what the seam will look like when you are finished.

Trim the corners to decrease bulk.

Open the bottom up and press a narrow hem.  The pressing that you did early should help.

Do both sides.

Pin the bottom closed.

Sew close to the edge to close the bottom of the shirt.

Cut a 2" piece of sew-in velcro and cut it in half length-wise.

Place the Velcro at the top of the shirt.

Sew around the Velcro to secure it.

Sew the other piece on the coordinating fabric.

Ta Da! you're done.
Thanks for viewing,

Monday, August 4, 2014

2014 Goodfellow Doll Shorts

Here is a step by step tutorial on how to make these cute little shorts for your Goodfellow Doll project.

With your fabric right-sides together, use the shorts pattern piece to cut 2.  

Pin and sew the front seam.  I like to use the edge of my sewing machine foot as my seam guide.

After you have completed the seam go back over it with a zig-zag stitch to help with durability and fraying.

Trim close to your zig-zag stitching.

Open the pants wrong side, facing up. 

Turn over the top 1/4 of an inch and press.

Turn over the top approximately 5/8" and press again to form the casing for our elastic.

Pin the casing.

Sew the casing closed by stitching close to the edge.

Cut a piece of 1/4" - 3/8" elastic approximately 9 inches long.  I like to cut my elastic a little bit longer than I need to give myself something to hold onto. 

Use a small safety pin to use to help feed the elastic through the casing.

When the end of the elastic is almost fed through, stop and sew a few stitches to hold that end of the elastic.

Then finish feeding the rest of the elastic through the casing.

Sew a few stitches at that end to also hold the elastic in place. 

Now you can trim off the extra elastic.

To hem the shorts fold over the bottom 1/4" and press.

Fold over again an additional 1/4" and press again.

Top stitch the hem.

Folding right sides together stitch the back seam together.

After the seam is sewn, go back, zig-zag and trim close. 

Pin the inner leg seam.

Sew the inner leg seam.

Zig-zag and trim to finish.

Turn right side out and you're done.

Ta Da!

Thanks for viewing.